Silvicultural actions C1 and C2 are at an advanced stage.
The action C1 focuses on measures to improve forest habitat for Carabus, through the implementation of silvicultural re-naturalization of manmade forests: this will be done both on Regional lands and properties of Oasi Zegna. Planned interventions can be seen on the project workingplan (only on Zegna properties) and concern the creation of small cleared plot in forest to allow forest native species to vegatate.
L'azione C2 riguarda interventi di miglioramento di habitat aperti per Carabus, attraverso la realizzazione di interventi selvicolturali di miglioramento nelle faggete. In analogia all'azione C2 anche in questo caso le proprietà interessate sono quelle regionali pubbliche e quelle private di Oasi Zegna The action C2 covers interventions to improve open habitats for Carabus, through the implementation of silvicultural improvements of beech woods. As the action of C1 even in this case actions are implemented on public and private properties within Oasi Zegna (project workplan only for Zegna properties).
In this case interventions are designed to test different silvicultural models so as to include, as a result of the monitoring of Carabus, which of them is more suited to the preservation of the species.
Under the report of C1 and C2 actions you can watch at the photogallery about silvicultural actions.